Health and Safety Policy
- This policy sets out our arrangements for ensuring we meet our health and safety obligations to staff and anyone visiting our premises or affected by our work.
- The Managing Director has overall responsibility for health and safety and the operation of this policy.
- This policy does not form part of any employee’s or worker’s contract of employment or engagement and we may amend it at any time. We will continue to review this policy to ensure it is achieving its aims.
- All staff share responsibility for achieving safe working conditions. You must take care of your own health and safety and that of others, observe applicable safety rules and follow instructions for the safe use of equipment.
- You should report any health and safety concerns immediately to your line manager.
- You must co-operate with managers on health and safety matters, including the investigation of any incident.
- Failure to comply with this policy may be treated as misconduct and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.
- We will inform and consult your elected workplace safety representatives or directly with all staff regarding health and safety matters.
- We will ensure that you are given adequate training and supervision to perform your work competently and safely.
- Staff will be given a health and safety induction and provided with appropriate safety training, which may include where appropriate manual handling, control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), working at height, asbestos awareness, gas safety, electrical safety and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
- You must use equipment in accordance with any instructions given to you. Any equipment fault or damage must immediately be reported to your line manager. Do not attempt to repair equipment unless trained to do so.
- Details of first aid facilities and the names of trained first aiders are displayed on the notice boards.
- All accidents and injuries at work, however minor, should be reported to your manager and recorded in the Accident Book which is kept in the Sure Call Recruitment Services Ltd Head Office.
- If you are based on a Client’s site they will notify you of the location of Accident Book and/or First Aid kit as applicable.
- All staff should familiarise themselves with the fire safety instructions, which are displayed on notice boards and near fire exits in the workplace.
- If you hear a fire alarm, leave the building immediately by the nearest fire exit and go to the fire assembly point shown on the fire safety notices.
- Fire drills will be held at least every 12 months and must be taken seriously. We also carry out regular fire risk assessments and regular checks of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, escape routes and emergency lighting.
- We carry out general workplace risk assessments periodically. The purpose is to assess the risks to health and safety of employees, visitors and other third parties as a result of our activities, and to identify any measures that need to be taken to control those risks.
- If you use a computer screen or other display screen equipment (DSE) as a significant part of your work, you are entitled to a workstation assessment and regular eyesight tests by an optician at our expense.
- Further information on workstation assessments, eye tests and the use of DSE can be obtained from your manager.